This page will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Check back frequently. Last updated: June 8, 2022

Para versión en español, haga clic aquí- información sobre coronavirus

Providing for the health, safety, and welfare of those we serve, as well as our NDS employees, is of utmost important to us.

Outlined below are resources for those in need of food and meals for children at no cost sponsored by Nutritional Development Services (NDS). NDS is continuing to support our network of food cupboards throughout the region and doubling efforts to supply Catholic Social Services (CSS) Family Service Centers with non-perishable items for those impacted by COVID-19.

Throughout these uncertain times, let us continue to embrace the call to be servant leaders within our community to help those most in need. Please be assured of our continued prayers for all of those affected by this virus and for you and your families.

To search a specific address and find the closest site to you- click the button in the top right corner ‘View Larger Map’.

Para buscar una dirección específica y encontrar el sitio más cercano a usted- haga clic en el botón que esta en  la esquina superior derecha ‘View Larger Map’. 

Food cupboards are shown on the map with a blue dot. / Las alacenas de comida se muestran en el mapa con un punto azul.

Free summer meals for children are shown on the map with an orange diamond. / Las comidas de verano gratuitas para niños se muestran en el mapa con un diamante naranja.

Food Cupboards Sponsored by NDS/Alacenas de alimentosClick HERE

Our food cupboards offer non-perishable food items and some toiletries like soap, toothpaste, etc.  In addition, some cupboards also have diapers and formula for infants.

Nuestras alacenas de alimentos ofrecen alimentos no perecederos y algunos artículos de tocador como jabón, pasta de dientes, etc. Además, algunas alacenas también tienen pañales y fórmulas para bebés.

FREE Summer Meals for Children

NDS partners with many camps, organizations, churches, etc. throughout the summer to serve fresh & healthy breakfasts and lunches to children 18 and under every day. ANY child may go to these sites to receive a meal even if they are not enrolled in their program. All meals must be eaten on site.

NDS se asocia con muchos campamentos, organizaciones, iglesias, etc. durante todo el verano para servir desayunos y almuerzos frescos y saludables a niños menores de 18 años todos los días. CUALQUIER niño puede ir a estos sitios para recibir una comida, incluso si no está inscrito en su programa. Todas las comidas deben consumirse en el sitio.

How YOU can help

If you are interested in supporting the cupboards and those in need of food, your donation to our Community Food Program would be much appreciated. It will keep the food cupboard shelves stocked and the community fed.  Click here to donate.

You can also host a virtual Food Drive! Call us or email to find out how.

You can also partner with us as a summer meals site! We can partner with your organization, church, summer camp or learning program to serve daily meals to your children and children in the surrounding community. Call our office today for more information and to sign up!

If you are interested in feeding children in your community or neighborhood, contact us today!

Catholic Social Services (CSS) Family Service Centers- Food & Diapers

News Releases from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Pastoral Messages from Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez

Other Resources for Food in Philadelphia

Federal Government Resources

Pennsylvania Government Resources